
Monday, December 29, 2014

Noteworthy & Upcoming Events

Authors, are busy people, too. We write, revise, submit - sometimes multiple times - edit, blog, promote. Many of us do that while parenting, spousing, and working outside the home. We might get an email one day that requests we return 75K edited words within a week. During that week we might have a doctor's appointment, a concert at our child's school, a school visit, travel soccer, a day job, a blog tour on a recently released book, a blog visit promoting an older book. Oh, I don't know, but you get the picture. Most of the time we are working on completing new books all while trying to keep our lives and our family's lives moving forward. I suspect you can relate.

We want to keep you informed on the upcoming events for our Lightning Quick Reads authors. Honestly we work hard to make these events happen and we want you to enjoy them, but how can you if you don't even know about them? Consider this your formal invitation to join us to celebrate our work. Feel free to help us spread the word by sharing the information with family and friends who you think might be interested too.

January Noteworthy Events:

January 4th LQR author, Katie L. Carroll celebrates the release of her newest project, THE GREAT CONNECTICUT CAPER.

The plot: a heist has occurred and Gillette Caster has gone missing!

Your mission: read along and help us solve the mystery.

From January - June 2015, a new chapter will come your way every two weeks. The story is form children of all ages! Share your hunches and follow the clues on social media! #CTCaper

The Great Connecticut Caper is a serialized storybook for young people published on the CT Humanities website. This is a collaborative mystery story that Connecticut authors and illustrators collectively assemble chapter by chapter. Connecticut is the first to publish a state-specific version of  an original Library of Congress project, The Exquisite Corpse Adventure.

Upcoming Events:

January 9th two LQR authors team up. Joan C. Curtis is in the hot seat on Stuart West's blog. Join them for the Q&A. 

Then on January 15th at 9:00 PM Eastern, Joan C. Curtis is participating in a radio interview with Earl Cobb and Charlotte Grant-Cobb Living A Richer Life. Mark your calendar to listen live.

ENTIRE Month of January, Colors Like Memories by Meradeth Houston will be free! Download it from Amazon.

What are your favorite author events to participate in? We'd love to know - tell us in the comments. 

If you are interested in hosting an LQR author (virtually or in person), click on their picture in the sidebar to visit their website and contact them directly or leave a comment here.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Introducing Lightning Quick Reads

We are thrilled to welcome you to Lightning Quick Reads. LQR is a multi-author, themed, short story blog. Wow, that’s a mouthful. What it means is, as a reader, you can expect each participating author to post one short story per month, which is somehow related to the theme of the month.

We will announce the month’s theme on the first of each month and then it’s up to our authors to share their creative interpretation of that theme on their assigned date. Authors may stay within their usual genres or they might take the opportunity to stretch their writing muscles and show off a whole new style. Either way, they will be anxious for your feedback.

There will be all sorts of opportunities for you to interact with our authors and share your thoughts about the theme through author spotlights, monthly discussion threads, a flash fiction thread, and a coming events thread. We want to hear from you!

We want to make it easy for you to know when we have new content, subscribe via email (sidebar), and like our Facebook page

The fun starts on January 1, 2015So, make yourself at home. Browse the sidebar, visit our author’s social spots, subscribe to our feed, and tell your friends. LQR is here to entertain.