
Monday, December 22, 2014

Introducing Lightning Quick Reads

We are thrilled to welcome you to Lightning Quick Reads. LQR is a multi-author, themed, short story blog. Wow, that’s a mouthful. What it means is, as a reader, you can expect each participating author to post one short story per month, which is somehow related to the theme of the month.

We will announce the month’s theme on the first of each month and then it’s up to our authors to share their creative interpretation of that theme on their assigned date. Authors may stay within their usual genres or they might take the opportunity to stretch their writing muscles and show off a whole new style. Either way, they will be anxious for your feedback.

There will be all sorts of opportunities for you to interact with our authors and share your thoughts about the theme through author spotlights, monthly discussion threads, a flash fiction thread, and a coming events thread. We want to hear from you!

We want to make it easy for you to know when we have new content, subscribe via email (sidebar), and like our Facebook page

The fun starts on January 1, 2015So, make yourself at home. Browse the sidebar, visit our author’s social spots, subscribe to our feed, and tell your friends. LQR is here to entertain.