Where Detective Fraser searches for the answer to an ongoing mystery.
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Campfire Capture |
Detective Fraser inserted the recovered card reader, opened the video file and hit the play icon.
The video began to run. Low resolution, ambient noise and trembling
hand-held quality, captured the moments before the boys’ misadventure. Low
sunlight slanted through tall gum trees. Grey clouds hung low overhead,
stealing light from each frame. The flare and crackle of a campfire became the
focus of the film. Each boy took his turn adding wood and bark to the
“You'll be wanting it to burn all night,” Sean said. “To be sure to keep
dingoes away.” Sean’s pale skin, green eyes and reddish hair marked
him as an Irish tourist, before the accent in his voice betrayed his origin.
Fraser hated the need to deal with grieving relatives, especially when they came from overseas.
“Dingoes, yes, but what about snakes? Will the heat attract
them?” British backpacker James, asked. “I have read of incidents when they
crawl into a sleeping bag for warmth”
“Argh. I hate snakes. And spiders.” The American drawl
belonged to Angus. “Do y'all know Australia
has heaps of really venomous varieties? There are death adders, vipers, the
funnel webs, not to mention dangerous ticks…”
“Don’t listen to Angus.” The cameraman’s voice blared. He
seemed unaware of his proximity to the camera mic. “If we haven’t had any
problems in the last three nights, it is unlikely we will have trouble tonight.
Besides, this looks like a popular spot. We might even have company…whoever
left all the camping gear should be back soon."
"Looks like a family. Perhaps they will return when they see our fire." Angus agreed.
"Getting lost can be more dangerous than all the toxic creatures that live here." Rodney sounded confident. "There is no way we will get lost. We brought a GPS with us. Just think, there are no bears, mountain lions, crocodiles, or coyotes. And at this time of year the ticks and snakes are not a real problem. Relax, bro. This is the Australian bush.”
"Looks like a family. Perhaps they will return when they see our fire." Angus agreed.
"Getting lost can be more dangerous than all the toxic creatures that live here." Rodney sounded confident. "There is no way we will get lost. We brought a GPS with us. Just think, there are no bears, mountain lions, crocodiles, or coyotes. And at this time of year the ticks and snakes are not a real problem. Relax, bro. This is the Australian bush.”
“Fair enough, Rodney. You’re the expert.” James nodded,
poking at the flames. He glanced over his shoulder to the darkening sky.
“We should prepare our gear for the night while there is still light. It’s your
turn to wash up, Sean.”
“As soon as I heat some water.” Sean moved into the video’s
frame, carrying a blackened saucepan brimming with water and placed it near the
fire. “Rodney, to be sure no one wants to watch the washing up. Don’t waste the battery.
We will need it for later.”
The video stopped. Fraser leaned toward the computer
screen, squinted and chose the next file. Again the video began to roll, obviously now set on a solid surface, it offered steady pictures of the group around the campfire. In this
segment night allowed the firelight to dominate the frames. The shadowed images of the boys’ faces
flickered and flared. Recognisable but hardly handsome. The expressions on
their faces alternated between aghast, disbelief, and fear. Fraser
strained to hear the conversation.
“The bunyip yowled and sank below the billabong’s dark
surface.” Sean’s voice dropped to a whisper. “No one ever saw the old man or
his dog, again.”
“Nothing? No body, no remains?” Angus scoffed. “Even myths
need to follow logic. A bunyip? Really, could it get rid of the bodies so
“Angus, you sure know how to ruin a good campfire story. I
liked it, Sean. Gave me goosebumps,” James admitted.
“Yeah, me too. Good ol' Aussie critters, some people swear they've seen them,” Rodney added. “Speaking of which, I swear I
heard a grumbling growl while Sean was talking. Sounded weird. Did any of you
hear it too?”
Angus turned, his face half in shadow. His shoulders shook
slightly though the camera remained still. His expression showed concern. “Come
on, I thought it was you, Rod, doing your animal noises…only badly.”
“Not me.” Rodney shook his head.
“And you are supposed
to be the knowledgeable one. Great.” Sean hugged himself as though suddenly
cold. “Don’t koalas make a dreadful noise?”
“True.” Rodney nodded. “I haven’t heard one for real, but
they are said to sound like an engine running without oil. People who have them
living nearby complain about the noise they make.”
Even through the camera mic Fraser heard a sound that
made his blood curdle. He wanted to close his eyes but he watched the video as
Sean flinched. “A noise like that?”
Angus, Rodney and James turned to look beyond the
“Holy Shite. Did you hear that?” Rodney’s voice rose.
“What creature makes a sound so blood-curdlingly awful?”
Angus scowled. “Is this some sort of prank?”
“A bunyip, perhaps?” James offered with a shrug. “Perhaps a
yowie? Come on, guys. Who is doing this? Enough. I am seriously freaked out.”
“Angus… you are always looking at the logical explanation…
what gives?”
“I suggest we investigate. The abandoned campsite… perhaps
the other campers are playing tricks on us. I don’t buy that sound came from a
living creature.”
“Oh god… not a dead one?” Sean crossed himself.
“No you idiot, I think we are being pranked and I for one
will not sit here pissing in my pants. Y'all grab a burning branch, a solid log, and
the mallet we used for the tent pegs and let’s see who has the last laugh when
we spoil their fun.”
The film bounced, as
though Rodney had attached the camera to his belt.
Fraser tried to focus
as Rodney rushed to grab a burning branch and follow the others.
Sean’s shout brought Rodney to a halt, all four boys
gathered in a trembling huddle. On the path ahead of them, bathed in silver moonlight and caressed by ruddy torch light, awful in their grotesque silence, lay the bodies of three humans.
Two adults and a child. Hideous
injuries, black chasms gouged in flesh, obscuring their humanity.
Horror filled the camera’s frame. Rodney stepped closer,
allowing the awful detail to etch into film. He turned and Fraser heard
the wrenching sound of the boy vomiting. The camera focused on leaf strewn
ground. Only sticky black shadows showed the presence of congealed blood.
“This isn’t a prank, Angus.” James’ voice broke the silence.
“We should get out of here. Who would do such a thing?”
Sean lifted his torch, swinging light across the path. “Or
what? There is nothing we know of that preys on people, is there?”
Rodney straightened, lifting the camera’s focus again to
include the other youths, depicted in spears of red flame and the harsh blades
of silver torch light.
“Have you ever heard of ‘drop bears’?” His voice shook. “I didn’t think they
existed. But this… this makes me think they do.”
Angus shook his head, bracing as the bush reverberated with
a rumbling growl.
“Oh my god! Did you hear that?” His features contorted. “We
need to get the hell out of here!”
“Run!” James yelled. He bumped into Sean as he sprinted away from the gruesome scene.
Rodney stepped backwards. He dodged James. Sean scrambled to
his feet and lunged passed at a run.
A growl covered the boys’ shouts. Angus’ flaming branch spun
toward a moving shadow.
The hair on Fraser’s neck stood on end as he watched the
dark shape descend from the branches of a eucalypt. Like a possum flying
through the air, a creature the size of a large dog grabbed Angus. Ignoring the
flames, it slashed clawed limbs around the youth’s face and neck.
Rodney’s flight dragged focus away from Angus’ plight. His
scream scored into Fraser’s mind. The camera’s focus showed the boy’s
attempt to escape. The sound of Sean howling drove Rodney’s feet faster. A
guttural roar, a shrill scream and Rodney’s flight paused. The youth turned in
time to see a set of gleaming teeth glint in the moonlight.
There was a cacophony of gnashing, growling and yowling. The
camera now focused on the leaves above the path, silhouetted against the beautiful
full moon.
Fraser rubbed at a cramp in his shoulder.
A shadow crossed above the camera. For an instant Fraser
looked into the glowing eyes of Australia’s lethal legend, the mythical drop
With a final lurch the video stopped. Fraser sighed.
Seven dead in two days. The drop bear had gorged on their
flesh and disappeared. It might not return for months, or years. No one knew
the creature’s habits. No one had ever captured its image before.
The thrill of being able to prove the existence of a myth
paled against the need to counsel those who had lost loved ones.
A simple, safe camping trip should not cost lives.
Then, no one should dismiss the warnings at the edge of the
park. “Beware Drop Bears”
For more information on DROP BEARS... visit Australian Museum or Aust Geographic article
DROP BEARS are on facebook too.
Thank goodness Koalas are not bears. They are marsupials. But they are not cuddly. ;)
DROP BEARS are on facebook too.
Thank goodness Koalas are not bears. They are marsupials. But they are not cuddly. ;)
Rosalie Skinner resides on the east coast of Australia when not totally immersed in the fantasy world of her writing.
Rosalie’s love of the ocean, nature, history and horses has enabled her to give her books an authentic air. Her latest achievement has been to ride through the Australian Snowy mountains and see the wild brumbies run. When not watching the migrating whales pass her doorstep she has more humble pastimes.
Other than being a published author, her greatest thrill is being a grandmother. Born over fourteen weeks early her granddaughter’s perfect development and growth are a miracle and joy.
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