Kai interviewing readers for her YouTube Channel |
Perhaps you expect my bio to tell you things about me, such
as I hate to handle raw meat, I’m a wife and mother of four, a compulsive
walker, and a Mozart fangirl. But since I have your attention, what I really
want you to know is that I love that you read. Readers are smart, quick-witted,
and usually good conversationalists—even if it’s only in their head. Introverts
I write middle grade fiction because those are the most
formative years of our lives. It’s when we are trying to claim our freedom, while
still being restricted by rules. The things we learn in books can give us the
skills to navigate that maze. I write young adult fiction because there are no
limits to what message I share or how I share it. Plus young adult readers are
some of the most passionate readers out there. I heart YA readers.
If you’d like an image of me as a writer, go ahead and
picture me with my laptop in a quaint bookshop café, fingers flying over the
keys while the words pour out of my fingertips. It’s much better than the real
image of me in my pajamas with coffee breath, sinking into the me-sized crater
in the couch, grumbling at my laptop when the words don’t come.
LQR: Tell our readers a little about you.
Kai: I was raised in Wisconsin and California. I’m raising
my kids in Oregon. I’m addicted to pizza. I’ve accurately predicted two
LQR: If you had to pick only one moment that spurred you to
write professionally, what moment is the most inciting?

LQR: Does the majority of your work focus around or within a
single theme?
Kai: No. The only common thread is fiction. Other than that
my published work consists of fantasy, contemporary, speculative fiction,
romance, suspense, and paranormal
LQR: Tell us about your newest release.
Kai: I am super excited to have completed my Super Villain
Academy series with the publication of the third book, Super Bad. I’ve
also worked with my publisher to release a second edition of the first book in
the series, King of Bad, with bonus material. I added two additional
scenes to the story. The SVA series was so much fun to write. First of all,
angsty teens with super powers? Fun! Second, it was a real study in not just
the age-old theme of good vs. evil, but also the importance of both in our
world. Finally, my publisher made a boxed set for those readers who like to
wait until a series is complete and save some money in the process.
LQR: What is one of your favorite authorial moments from
your career so far?
Kai: Honestly it happened at a funeral. I was hugging a girl
whose grandfather had passed away and telling her I wish I could do more to
help her through the pain of mourning. She said, “Write more. Seriously, your
writing really helps.” It was such an unexpected time and place to receive a
cheer for my writing that it has become one of the most memorable moments.
LQR: Share with us a five year and ten year goal for your
writing career.
Kai: This has changed so drastically from last year! I
seriously slowed down this year and focused on all things not writing. Up to
now, I’ve published at least two books per year. Now I’ve decided to take my
time with each new book and really shape the story. Of course I think my
published work is awesome, but I want to always improve my writing. Give my
readers more. Hence the new approach. So, five years and ten years from now, I
hope to have more books out and I hope each book is the reader’s new favorite
Kai Strand book.
LQR: Do you write what you read? Watch? What are your
favorite television shows and movies?
Kai: I do and then some. Just like my writing is eclectic,
so are my reading and television habits. I read mostly young adult fiction, but
pepper in middle grade and adult fiction. I love to hop from a horror to a
sweet romance to a mystery to an issues book. As far as television and movies,
I eat up as many of the super hero themed entertainment as I can! Avengers,
Thor, and Captain America (series) are my favorite Marvel movies. The kids and
I watch Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. I’m catching up on Flash on Netflix, and I’m
hoping Super Girl will prove worth watching. It’s nice to get some DC in there.
I wish Constantine had made it! Loved that show. But I watch other things too.
Survivor, The Voice, Reign, GRIMM, football, and local news.
LQR: If you had one week away from any and all
responsibility what would you want to spend your time doing?
Kai: I would want it to be on a warm beach, with cabana
boys, umbrella drinks and a fully stocked Kindle. NO social media anywhere in
site, but someone back home keeping it going for me so I didn’t have to
virtually start over again when I returned home.
LQR: Anything else you’d like to add?
Kai: I’m so grateful to the Lightning Quick Reads authors
for taking this journey with me this year. It has been a real growth experience
for my writing and I hope each author has gotten at least one benefit from it.
And I’d like to thank the readers. Writing is most satisfying for an author
when their work is in the hands of a reader. I hope you have found a new
favorite author or two (I have!)
LQR: Where can readers find you online?
Kai: Oh so many places! Pick your poison:
www.kaistrand.com|Mailing List| Facebook| Twitter| Instagram|Amazon
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